Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Oh Dear Oh Dear No More Holidays Please!

I love spring, and Easter. But, I will be so glad when Easter is over and no more holidays (with lots of sweets) until Halloween! I have to admit I love peeps, and jelly beans, and Sees chocolate filled eggs, and... yeah. I'm having to make Easter baskets, stuff candy eggs, and cook Easter lunch for family (scones, brownies, rice crispie treats, etc. etc.) and it is not easy. I know I could refuse, or say yeah, we're having a carb/sugar-free holiday. But I'm not supposed to be eating anyway right now, so in theory it should be easier than having to limit. But the sugar fumes are really getting to me! Must.Hang.On.


  1. I believe in the optifast program 100% I would like to go back on the optifast 70 to lose again is not that much but my BMI is over 100% believe in the optifast 70 and it works for me and I like the taste what Clinic can I get the optifast 70 in I will fly there if I have to God bless you and good luck and staying beautiful

  2. I do it through Kaiser in Northern California. See Good luck!
