Monday, January 23, 2017

Woo Hoo! Eight Pounds Down First Week!

Despite being an "older, short" woman, my loss was one of the biggest in our group I think. Two women mentioned losing 3.5 pounds each, and one man, who was quite happy, said that he lost nine, but the leader pointed out that he was male, taller, etc. than most of us. So yeah, eight pounds down is good! (Official weight - 189.3) But we don't officially share our weight loss, and I certainly didn't mention mine!

I'm wearing the same outfit for weigh-in each week, and no shoes, to be consistent. Of course it won't stay 8 pounds a week! I know there's water weight lost the first week. I am NOT drinking all the water I'm supposed to - though more than I normally do! Something to work on.

The first on-product meeting was productive, with people sharing tips, and the commonality of being hungry, having cravings, getting headaches, dealing with people who don't know we're on a special diet. Seems like a good group.

Two people already dropped out! The reality of the products hit them, I guess. Hopefully the rest of us (17 I think) will stay the course.

My blood pressure was a little higher but I'm not worried. With weight going down it will go down too in time, I know.

So yeah, things are looking good! On to Week Two. I do have one dinner (paid for already, including wine) to survive on Saturday, but otherwise, should be smooth sailing - or as smooth as possible with less than 1000 calories per day. But it's temporary, a break from food, just for fifteen more weeks, I can do it.

1 comment:

  1. I'm on day 6 of first product week. All of the feelings!
