Thursday, May 18, 2017

Weeding the Closet - Bagging up the "Fat Clothes"

Actually, I was bagging up clothes in two categories. Some clothes were removed because they are way too big on me. Some were favorites - Disney tees, etc. - but they swim, so into the bag they go. The other category of clothes to remove is sleeveless and short-sleeved tops. Unfortunately, a combination of rapid weight loss AND minimal arm muscles means the upper half of my arms are really unattractive. I'm hoping that either 1) excess skin disappears over time (does that even happen?) and/or 2) I'll be motivated to use those weights sitting on my bedroom dresser to get my upper arms in shape. But in the meantime, they are not fit for public viewing, sadly.

The bag is huge and the question is then begged - what to do with all the clothes? There's the "throw them out and never go back" philosophy which is admirable. Then there's the "hedge your bets and store them somewhere" cowardly custard approach. I confess I'm keeping them. I like the clothes, and the pile represents a significant amount of money. Do I ever want to wear them again? NO I DO NOT! I plan to stay the size I'm at for the rest of my life, and never need to open that bag. But, I still can't get rid of them.

Part of it is that though I think I'm pretty good at losing weight - the excitement of the scale going down, the satisfaction of reaching a goal - I know that maintenance is a lot less exciting. And I'm not convinced that underlying food issues have gone away. I still like to eat, eat things that aren't particularly healthy (pizza, marshmallows, margaritas, rich Thai food, etc.), and don't do very well when feeling deprived.

I know the tools to maintain - logging, exercise, mindful eating, daily or frequent weighing, a mindset that considers healthy food and healthy portions to be good for my body. And also not considering certain food completely off limits. But old habits die hard. I'm not making excuses or trying to pave the way for gaining weight. I really really really do not want to gain weight back and will try my hardest to keep that from happening. I'm counting on never needing to open that bag again. But it's still going to be somewhere out in the dusty garage, probably providing mice and black widow spiders a place to nest. Off limits, but still not gone forever. Right or wrong, that's what I'm doing for now. Maybe someday I'll donate them, but not quite yet...

Monday, May 15, 2017

Lost 50 Pounds in Four Months

When I look at that title it seems hard to believe. Fifty pounds is a lot of weight. I can't imagine carrying around fifty pounds of something all day long, but that's what I was doing. No wonder I feel so much better.

I know there are pros and cons with each type of diet, and the final proof is in weight kept off, but I'm sure happy with the weight loss phase. Here is the latest chart:

The actual total pounds lost, based on the weigh-in tonight, is 52.8. And my blood pressure tonight was 100 over 65. Crazy!!

We are adding dairy and fruit to our transition diet (already added veg and lean protein) so bought blueberries, apples and Greek yogurt tonight at the store. My fridge is starting to have actual food in it again! ;-)

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Back from Disneyland - Moment of Truth on the Scale

So I flew back home last night after a whole week (Saturday through Saturday) at Disneyland. I was exceedingly nervous about my home weigh-in. (Official one tomorrow night at Kaiser.)

We are in transition. I took bars and shakes, but knew I would also be having some real food. But I was amazingly strong (at least, I amazed myself) and did NOT have my usual Disneyland treats which range from chocolate covered marshmallow sticks in Critter Country to fresh raspberry tarts at the Holly Jolly Cafe to fried chicken on Main Street to margaritas in California Adventure. I was at bars and only had a diet coke. I was at complementary breakfast buffets and only had a hard-boiled egg. I was on a plane flight and passed on the free pretzels and sugar-covered peanuts. ;-)

But still, I knew I had eaten and drank more than we were supposed to be doing at this point in transition. And when you are losing weight and start eating real food, bizarre things can happen in your body. I honestly had no idea what to expect weight-wise. That's why I was blown away to find out that I had actually lost two pounds during the week at Disneyland. Now that is a first for me for sure! V. proud of myself!! :-)

And here's another thing. The last time I went to Disneyland (in November of last year) I weighed 45-50 pounds more than I do now. And wow, could I tell the difference. After that November trip I thought I might have to give up taking my grandchildren to Disneyland because it was just too hard and exhausting. This time I had more energy and stamina than the 9 year old and 3 year old I had with me. Feeling very grateful for how much better my body works for me these days.

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Challenges Ahead

Not the best time for this - just starting transition off of the full Optifast product diet - but today I'm heading to Disneyland for a week. I'll be facing everything from free unlimited breakfast buffets and complimentary happy hours to expensive Disney character breakfasts to special Disney treats like Pineapple Whip, not to mention the alcoholic beverages available (Trader Sam's bar at the Disneyland Hotel is a favorite).

In the past eating (and drinking) at Disneyland has been part of the experience. But this time has to be different. It won't be easy.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Optifast Diet and Cholesterol, Triglycerides, Lipid Profile, Glucose

 My test results weren't horrible going into the diet, but they have certainly improved. HDL stayed the same, but where less is better, here are the before and after numbers from my fasting Lipid Profile Test:
  • Cholesterol: 218 to 178
  • Triclycerides: 110 to 61
  • LDL: 146 to 118
And for fasting glucose, where the normal range is 99-76 (and the doctor had considered me "pre" something, previously):
  • Fasting glucose: 93 to 76
The "before" results are for December 2016 and the "after" from last Monday, May 1, 2017. Nice test results! Good job Optifast diet!

Monday, May 1, 2017

Transition - Heading Back to Food

So tomorrow begins Week 17, which is the week that most of my group (including me) will swap out one 160 calorie product and add in 160 calories of vegetable and lean protein. Some folks are extending product only (presumably because they want to lose more at a rapid rate), under a doctor's care. But most are diving back into food. Actually, diving might be the wrong image, as this will be baby steps.

We went around the room to say what our "first meal" would be. Most said chicken and string beans. I said salmon and asparagus. Why not!

We also have our final lab work this week. I'm not doing the fasting labs tomorrow as I want to have a 12 hour fast and it's too late (I don't want to have to fast until 10:30 in the morning) so hopefully tomorrow night I'll have my last meal around 7 and then get tested around 7 am on Wednesday. Hoping for positive changes in lipid profile, along with the weight loss and lower blood pressure!
Weight and Blood Pressure - End of Week 16

Well the charts speak for themselves with good news - blood pressure tonight was 104! And lost five pounds over the last two weeks, now teetering at the bottom of 150 pounds (already into the high 140's on my home scale). Woo hoo!

Change in Weight

Change in Blood Pressure