Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Day One - Morning

It's only 7 am and my stomach's already growling. ALL psychological as I often don't eat anything until 9 am!

Woke up in a panic. Four months with no real food? What the heck have I got myself into??

Weighed on home scale this morning at was 193, four pounds lighter than Kaiser scale at night (with clothes, etc.). This way I can see how much weight I'm losing
over the week (by weighing in the morning), and also be prepared for the number on the Kaiser scale next Monday.

BTW there's a financial incentive to stay on the program as it's quite an investment. Comes to something over $4K, which includes the "food" plus the program staff and medical monitoring. Not cheap by any means. But worth it if I can lose weight and KEEP IT OFF - the even harder part. So in a way, the four months on product are the easy part - no choices. It's afterwards that's tough. But I'm determined. I've been struggling with weight all my life. I really want this to be the last diet...

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