Saturday, February 18, 2017


So last Monday's weigh-in was pretty underwhelming - 2 lbs. Now this coming Monday we won't be meeting because of the holiday, so it's a two week gap.

Tough times ahead! Tomorrow I leave on vacation for 5 nights in a hotel, surROUNDed by food and adult beverages - sigh. I know the trick is not to get too hungry. Mostly I'm not hungry. But sometimes I am, and have terrible cravings - mostly all salty stuff. Chinese food! I just drool over bringing home a big takeout of Kung Pao Chicken. But I know the right way to frame this is that (once off meal-replacement products) I will be able to make dishes CLOSE to Kung Pao Chicken but with less starch and oil, no or little rice, and lots of veg. But still I flinch every time I drive by a Chinese restaurant, no matter how hole-in-the-wall.

I've been doing water exercise more than before (4 days a week?), and do plan to start walking, once back from vacation. I (very very sadly) lost my 2-week-old FitBit (took it off by a pool, gone when I came back) and now have ordered a much cheaper watch-type device that counts steps and is waterproof. But the directions (obviously written by a non-English speaker) gave me such a headache that I'm putting off getting it set up till I'm back.

I'm drinking more (Crystal-light-flavored) water and really trying to do the right thing. I'm hopeful that the next weigh-in will be much more impressive!!

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