Wednesday, March 1, 2017


So,  it's exciting to see changes at home, and in my group. I've heard people in my group talk about having lowered their blood pressure, being able to do things at the gym they couldn't before, and about clothes being too big. That's been true for me - a couple of pants I tried on today were too baggy. Yay!

My mirror tells me of changes - double chin almost gone. My daughter told me that my butt was gone, though she didn't mean that in a good way.

I haven't been able to weigh at home this week because my digital scale has a dead battery and it's one of those circular ones. But I'm staying on product so hopefully the pounds are continuing to creep away. All good!


  1. Keep working Sharon - I'm at in the Kaiser program in Sacramento - we are in week 14 (or 13 if you just count meal replacement and have some similar experiences - it has been a tough time with travel, family, lack of 'support' - I don't see you mention anything on the SMART skills/book - are you guys using that?

    Keep up the good work! Happy that you are sharing your journey.

  2. Thanks for the note of support! They handed out the SMART book week before last but it happened to be the only meeting I missed (though went to the weigh-in) due to a family birthday party at my house. I have it now with a reading assignment, but we worked on goals Monday night. Yes, travel REALLY makes it tough. Amazingly enough, my husband STILL doesn't know I'm on the diet nor has he noticed any weight loss. I'm invisible! But we've been married 35 years. I'm waiting for that first person who does NOT know about the diet (only my sister and daughter do) to ask, "Have you lost weight?" But nothing so far. So if you are in week 13, you only have 2 or 3 weeks left on product only? Both exciting and scary! Good luck. (Have you been happy with the rate of weight loss so far?)
