Monday, March 20, 2017

Book Review - Obesity Code

This book was recommended on another weight loss blog so I bought it on Amazon, and just finished it. I thought it was good, and agreed with the author's position that:
  • weight loss is no single problem/single solution
  • calories in/calories out is simplistic
  • low fat diets aren't the answer
  • sugar and processed food are the main culprits
  • most diets succeed short-term but long-term is a different story
I think he is right that weight issues have a lot to do with insulin and hormones. His discussion of short-term fasting for insulin control was interesting.

He was very opposed to shakes such as Optifast, which made me cringe, and long for the time when I can go back to real food, not sweet, highly processed, chemical-ridden products by Nestle.

I found the book informative, convincing, and empowering. I felt ready to go back to real food after reading it, though worry that the very low-calorie diet I've been on may have messed with my metabolism. (He talks about how our bodies change our metabolism in response to calorie restrictions.) I'm ready to give it a try.

I think after reading this book I'm finally ready to give up sweets and refined starch products (pasta, pastries, buns, etc.). It's going to be harder to give up Diet Coke and artificial sweetener but he's made the most convincing arguments so far, to me at least, about how they are sabotaging my weight loss efforts and health. Sigh...


  1. I agree with you - nobody so far has been able to convince me there's anything wrong with Splenda and diet sodas, but I think he's finally done it. Cut them all out now.
    Here's my mini-review based on 2 days of trying his suggestions:
    I started following his advice on Monday, by removing snacks between meals (part of the program I've always done is eating every 2-3 hours), cutting out sugar and sweeteners and refined carbs. Yesterday I did my first 24-hour fast. I wasn't unbearably hungry and had no problems completing my workout and other daily tasks. In only two days so far I'm down 5.5 pounds, first time I've been under 220 in months. I'm going to give it a try for a week and see what happens, obviously a lot of that could be water weight that comes right back and 2 days isn't much to really go on, but I'm cautiously optimistic so far. I'm not nearly as hungry all the time as I thought I would be.

  2. Thanks for the feedback. Yes some of his ideas go against current thought, like eating often, but makes some sense and worth a try. It's certainly true that growing up in the fifties - before the childhood obesity epidemic - we ate three times a day, but my grandkids snack all day long. I plan to incorporate some of his suggestions/theories as well for a trial run. Good luck with your metabolism and weight loss.

  3. I very much like the way you have provided some extremely useful book review on weight loss. Thanks for sharing some extremely useful and effective information. By the way let me share my personal experience. There was a time when I gained almost 39 pounds of extra body weight and was desperately trying to reduce that. I took up different type of fat burning exercise but all that went in vein. Then I came across this pill: Lean Belly Breakthrough . I took this pill and lost almost 39 pounds within a few weeks. That’s really amazing isn’t it?
