Monday, July 31, 2017

Thirty Week Graduation Day

Tonight's Kaiser cohort meeting was our final meeting of the first 30 weeks of the program. We graduate to "lifestyle" meetings at this point, which are held several times a week. As part of our graduation, we saw a slideshow of before and after pictures, and members had an opportunity to share how much they'd lost, and any other comments they might want to make about the program.

It was very interesting, and so impressive how much weight had been lost. Two people weren't there, and two people didn't mention the weight loss amount. Two others had lost thirty something pounds. Everyone else had lost in the fifties and sixties, with the exception of one man (whose daughter is also in our cohort) who had lost eighty something pounds - wow!! He mentioned that he had never lost more than 20 pounds on any other diet.

The next photo Kaiser will take of us will be at 82 weeks! That's how many weeks they want us to be in the program, attending as many lifestyle meetings as possible. (Those meetings include a weigh-in, a chance to buy "product" and a different topic and discussion each week.) So that's a year from now, 52 weeks. I'm hoping I will be at the same or less at that time. No backsliding!!! I'm too old (and too frugal) to do this all over again! ;-)

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