Monday, June 19, 2017

Optifast Kaiser Diet - Down 55 Pounds

Weigh-in tonight (missed last week) was down 2 pounds, which was good. I actually would have been fine with no change, but Thursday am leaving for 6 days at an inclusive family camp, and am worried about gaining. Lots of high carb food served family style with not that many healthy choices. I'm going to try my best!

Not on product-only for some time, but I still have a bar or two a day. I'm happy that I'm holding my weight down even while eating "real food" and certainly have had food that wouldn't be necessarily recommended, from champagne flights to fig chutney on French bread to frozen gelato. BUT, those are the exception, and I've compensated, and mostly I'm eating high protein, low carb, high veg. And not a lot. Sadly at my age my metabolism can't handle lots of calories.

Related to that, in a few weeks we'll have that test that tells us how many calories we should eat to maintain. But I had it maybe five years ago and it was distressingly low - related to muscle (and lack of) and exercise (and lack of). And age and gender are probably figured in too.

It's in the hundreds where I live this week so am SO happy I shed that 55 pounds or I would be SO miserable - sweaty, rashy, exhausted. Well done me, is all I can say, for my success on this program! And best wishes to anyone considering a similar program, starting out on it, struggling through it, hitting transition, or in the maintenance phase. I've gone probably from a size 18 to a size 8, so for me this program is a big thumbs up. And I hope in 5 years I say the same thing!


  1. Thank you, thank you for this blog! I just started today. I'm 190 and my goal is 145. I'm looking forward to losing the weight and am confident I can do it but I worry about maintenance. Your story is GREAT. Thanks for sharing and being do honest!!

  2. You can totally do this. I went from 197 to 140, starting in January. You are right, maintenance is the key, like with any diet. But it's more challenging I think with Optifast because you lose the weight with product, then go (all or mostly) off product in maintenance (unlike say in Weight Watchers, where you keep using the diet - counting points etc - in maintenance that you used to lose the weight). But one step at a time, and first is to reach your goal. It is SO wonderful to be lighter and healthier that you will never want to go back. Do read over my blog entries from the months I was on product only (Jan-April) for support during the phase you are entering. Good luck and keep me posted!!!
